Monday 2 June 2014

Week 8 - 8.5.14

I scanned the illustrations from my book, and also all of the answers given in my notebook, as well as some fabric samples that could use for backgrounds. I also started planning a garden shoot - capturing floral images to use for backgrounds also.
Using the layout planner I'd devised in my sketchbook and the example lookbooks I had researched, I started to assemble my book further on cewe, being sure to balance the ratio between text and imagery, using the notebook answers and quotes throughout. I also made sure to involve a lot of illustration, creating another level to the photography based book.
When considering the first page, I initially thought about introducing the book, project and myself. But when thinking about what I could say, It sounded drab and like I was trying too hard. Also, I needed a way to intrigue the reader, not bore them with words. And so then it hit me, comedy! Using humour is an easy way to keep people interested. I didn't think too much about how I would create the humour, I just found myself writing a monologue between to characters. One being a witty young boy, and the other a slightly foolish 'man' without a beard.

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